Meditation is a practice in which the individual attempts to get beyond the reflective thinking mind into a deeper state of relaxation and awareness
What is Meditation
How to do meditation

"Mantra" is the sacred sound or a group of words having healing and spiritual power. Mantras are found in various schools of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Mantras come in many forms, including verses from Rigveda and musical chants from the Samaveda. They are typically melodic, mathematically structured meters, resonant with numinous qualities. Aum (or Om) mantra serves as the most powerful mantra of manifestation. Mantras are melodic phrases with spiritual interpretations such as human longing for truth, reality, light, peace, love, knowledge and action. Sacred Mantras, OM Mantra, Shri Hanuman Chalisa have powerful frequencies that help heal the mind, body and the spirit inducing relaxation. Om Namah Shivaya, Shiva Chants & Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra empower one's body and soul. Gayatri Mantra is a powerful Hindu Mantra for self empowerment, protection and abundance.