Seven Chakra Balancing Music, Sound Therapy, Yoga Music, Shri Hanuman Chalisa, OM Mantra, Nature Sounds, Ocean Sounds to empower the body, mind and the soul
Chakra Healing
What are Chakras?

The word Chakra derives from the Sanskrit word for "wheel" or "turning", but in the yogic context a better translation of the word is 'vortex' of energy. In Hindu and Yogic traditions and other belief systems, Chakras are energy points or nodes in the subtle body of a being. Chakras are part of the subtle body, not the physical body, and as such are the meeting points of the subtle (non-physical) energy channels called nadiis. Nadiis are channels in the subtle body through which the life force (prana) (non-physical) or vital energy (non-physical) moves. Human brain can be guided to come into resonance with the healthy vibrations. A stronger beat can stimulate the mind, with faster tempos helping to bring more focus, and a slower tempo creating a relatively tranquil state. Sound is found to have profound effect the subtle energy centers called the Chakras. There are seven major chakras in the body - Root Chakra, Hara, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third-Eye Chakra, and Crown Chakra.. Healing these seven major Chakras helps restore the blissful state of the body, mind and soul.
1. Root Chakra - Core Existence, Foundation, Feeling Grounded.
Location: Base of spine in tailbone area.
Emotional issues: Existential issues, Security, Financial and Personal Security, Survival Fears.
2. Sacral Chakra - Sexuality, Procreation and Creativity
Location: Below the navel
Emotional issues: Creativity, Inner Abundance, Pleasure, Sexuality
3. Solar Plexus Chakra - Emotional Chakra
Location: Above the navel near the stomach area
Emotional issues: Excess of Good and Bad emotions, Confidence, Self Esteem
4. Heart Chakra - Experiencing Unconditional Love
Location: Near the heart.
Emotional issues: Letting Go, Forgiveness, Unconditional Love
5. Throat Chakra - Communication with Self and with the Universe
Location: Throat
Emotional issues: Expression of feelings, Expressing Truth
6. Third Eye Chakra - Our Intuition, Higher Guidance
Location: Center of Forehead
Emotional issues: Wisdom, Ability to get a higher picture, Trust in Intuition
7. Crown Chakra - Our connection with Higher Self, Guidance, and Super Consciousness
Location: Top of the head.
Emotional issues: Feeling Abundant, Seeing beyond the individual identities, Experiencing the Higher Connection
Chakra Balancing Music for healing the body, mind and soul
Music Therapy
HOW Music HEALs !
Sound yoga, also known as music-therapy or sound healing, is a technique in which sounds and vibrations are used to help restore, maintain, and improve one’s state of mind and body. These sounds create a multidimensional energy field, and help generate specific brain waves, resulting in shift in the state of consciousness of the listener who then moves to a deep and relaxed state, the communication between mind, body, and spirit is enhanced, resulting in bliss. Sound Therapy can be performed using Relaxing music, Sacred Chants, Mantras, Yoga Music and/or customized sounds and frequencies. Download Free Guided Meditation
Sounds for Yoga, Relaxing Music, Guided Meditations