Sound Healing with Mantras, Power Chants, Chakra Balancing Music, Shri Hanuman Chalisa, OM Mantra and subtle frequencies to empower the body, mind and the soul
Sound Healing
Healing using Mantras and Chants

"Mantra" is the sacred sound or a group of words having healing and spiritual power. They are typically melodic, mathematically structured meters, resonant with numinous qualities. Aum (or Om) mantra serves as the most powerful mantra of manifestation. Mantras are melodic phrases with spiritual interpretations such as human longing for truth, reality, light, peace, love, knowledge and action. Sacred Mantras, OM Mantra, Shri Hanuman Chalisa have powerful frequencies that help heal the mind, body and the spirit inducing relaxation. Om Namah Shivaya, Shiva Chants & Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra empower one's body and soul. Gayatri Mantra is a powerful Hindu Mantra for self empowerment, protection and abundance.
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Music Therapy
How music heals !

The rhythm resonates in one’s entire being, holding the beating heart under its spell. The melody lifts the spirits high, elevates the soul, the harmony takes one on an infinite voyage of emotions. The bass adds the thrill, and the treble adds optimism to the whole experience, as one’s soul lunges for the climactic crescendo. What’s the mystery? Is it the sound, the timbre, frequencies, or patterns—or the conductor—weaving this magic?
Music can be felt very internally, in our mind, heart and soul. One feels peaceful while listening to tranquil music playing in the background, even when the conscious mind is focused on some other activity, revealing the mysterious connection between brain and sound waves. In Indian music, there are notes sequenced as ragas, with each scale having a unique influence on the listener’s mind. In Western music, we have major, minor, and several other scales, and harmony patterns, each with a distinct influence. It has been scientifically established that music can have a profound effect on heart rates, muscle tension, and body temperature. And these observations and experiences have always encouraged me to delve deeper into the healing aspect of sound.
Sound yoga, also known as music therapy or sound healing, is a technique in which sounds and vibrations are used to help restore, maintain, and improve one’s state of mind and body. The Sanskrit word yoga is derived from the root yuj, meaning “to yoke” or “to unite.”
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HOW Music HEALING Happens !
The music therapist uses the power of sounds to help clients improve their health, bringing a more positive state of mind, and enhancing their quality of life. The sounds create a multidimensional energy field, and help generate specific brain waves, resulting in shift in the state of consciousness of the person. The person then moves to a deep and relaxed state, the communication between mind, body, and spirit is enhanced, resulting in bliss.
The healer, after diagnosis, chooses the appropriate sounds, to engender sound healing. Some healers use their voice, while others use Tibetan bowls, forks, flutes, chimes, didgeridoos, tanpura, and other instruments. Every being vibrates within a range of frequencies, and when exposed to musical notes that match with the frequencies, it resonates with the note. The healer has to bring the right frequencies, and vibrations in the vicinity of the person, to cause the state of resonance, thus engendering the move to a state of harmony.
Music can help overcome anxiety, enhance creativity and optimism. The human brain can be guided to come into resonance with the healthy vibrations. A stronger beat can stimulate the mind, with faster tempos helping to bring more focus, and a slower tempo creating a relatively tranquil state. Music can have a lasting influence on the state of mind, even after one has stopped listening to it. The Mozart Effect refers to the fact that some of Mozart’s music has been found to cause more activity in certain areas of human brain. Sound healing is also used as a sleep aid to relieve insomnia. This is done using delta wave technique to induce restfulness and relaxation and the person can experience deep and relaxed sleep. Similar vibrations are used in hypnosis and psychotherapy. Music is found to have profound effect on the subtle energy centers in our body called chakras. According to the studies made in Indian spiritual sciences and alternate medicine, the health of an individual can be determined by measuring the state of these seven chakras: root, sacral chakra, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakra. Every chakra has a frequency associated with it, and this frequency can be used for its balancing and healing. Even while doing Reiki or Meditation, the results are found to be more amazing with tranquil sounds playing in the background, creating the appropriate sound ambience.
People love music. Music is a part and parcel of our joy and celebrations; it marks milestones of life, and provides courage and optimism, and it has always found its way into people’s hearts, providing that optimism, support, nourishment, thrill, warmth, love, and rhythm to their lives. Even more fascinating is how our universe has been endowed with a hidden gift, the inherent healing characteristic of music.
Sounds for Yoga, Relaxing Music, Guided Meditations